Napa Christian

Standing Firm in the Armor of God


MAP: We test all students K-12, three times a year, Fall, Winter and Spring with the Measures of Academic Performance from NWEA
MAP® Growth™ measures what students know and informs what they’re ready to learn next. By dynamically adjusting to each student’s responses, MAP Growth creates a personalized assessment experience that accurately measures performance as well as estimating projected growth. Timely, easy-to-use reports help teachers teach, students learn, and administrators lead. Since the scale is continuous across grades, educators trust it to track longitudinal growth over a student’s career.

MAP tests are aligned to state standards in grades 3-8. We use this valuable information to see where our students are now, develop growth goals for the coming year, and create instructional strategies to meet those goals. These tests allow us to see how our students perform compared to all other students in our own community. MAP testing also shows how our students are projected to perform on the SAT®/ACT®, beginning in the 5th grade. The intent is that our students are college and career ready when they graduate. 
As a school, we set our academic standards high, with the goal of nurturing students who are proficient in reading, writing, and math. MAP tests help us achieve that goal.